
Term Limits in all political positions

As a constitutional Conservative I support term limits to prevent career politicians, encourage fresh ideas, reduce corruption, and promote accountability, reflecting the Founding Fathers’ vision of a government led by citizen-legislators.

Reducing Home owners insurance

Lowering homeowners insurance costs requires a multifaceted approach that includes increasing market competition, incentivizing risk mitigation, implementing regulatory reforms, offering policy flexibility, providing tax incentives, enhancing disaster preparedness, leveraging technology, and advocating for beneficial legislation. These strategies can help make homeowners insurance more affordable and accessible for all.

Defending Parental Rights

Parents are the primary authority in a child’s upbringing, passing down cultural, religious, and moral values. Interfering with the family unit should be prohibited by any government or private entity except in circumstances of abuse or neglect. No entity should be able to influence or alter the emotional or psychological, physical, or spiritual state of a child without notification and consent of the parent. This is essential for a strong, values-driven society, ensuring parents have the freedom and authority to raise their children with minimal governmental or bureaucratic interference.

Educational Control

I am a fierce advocate of school choice including, vouchers, charter schools, and homeschooling. Members of the community invest in the learning and education of a child, not an educational district. Parents should have a high degree of influence over curricula to ensure alignment with community standards and values.

Illegal immigration

Illegal immigration is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed through stringent enforcement of immigration laws and policies that prioritize the interests of American citizens. They emphasize the importance of legal immigration channels, economic impacts, and cultural integration, advocating for solutions that ensure national security, uphold the rule of law, and promote social cohesion. The state should do everything in its power to de-incentivize Florida as a destination for illegal immigration.